UMC Surgical Center West
UMC Surgical Center West is a state-of-the art UMC facility that experiences and receives the highest level of care with advanced equipment and highly qualified surgeons. The 24,000 square-foot facility provides patients the opportunity to get necessary surgical procedures. UMC Surgical Center West is located at 4642 N. Mesa, and was used initially as a possible overflow during the COVID-19 surge in November 2020. Outpatient procedures include endoscopy, neurosurgery, outpatient orthopedics, gynecology, and spine operations to provide pain management treatments for patients.
Providers at this location:
This facility is available to multiple service lines throughout UMC. However, the below surgeons have the highest volume of cases at UMC Surgical Center West.

Carmela Morales, MD Cesar Garcia, MD

Jaime Gasco, MD,
Orthopedic Surgeons

Evan D. Corning, MD Gil Gontre, MD
Orthopaedics Sports Medicine Orthopaedic Surgery, Hand Surgery,
Peripheral Nerve Surgery and Microsurgery
Clinic Leadership
Berenice Hernandez, RN

Director of UMC Surgical Center West
Service Location
UMC Surgical Center West
4642 North Mesa
El Paso, TX 79912
Mon. - Fri.
6 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Main Phone:
(915) 200-2650
(915) 521-7576
an Appointment
(915) 200-2655