Voters approve UMC’s Bond To Expand Healthcare Access, Develop Cancer, Burn Centers

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EL PASO, Texas – University Medical Center of El Paso (UMC) would like to thank El Paso voters for approving the El Paso County Hospital District’s $396.6 million bond initiative on the November 2024 ballot.
This bond will enable UMC to establish El Paso’s first Comprehensive Cancer Center with Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso, develop a burn center and increase healthcare access points for patients.
“My sincere thanks go out to the UMC Board of Managers, the El Paso County Commissioners Court, our many supporters in this process, and of course El Paso voters. Your decision reflects El Paso’s commitment to our community’s future, and it is because of you that UMC can make essential improvements that will benefit patients and continue to serve generations to come,” said R. Jacob Cintron, President & CEO of the El Paso County Hospital District.
As part of UMC’s initiative, the bond will fund the construction of a geriatric clinic in Central El Paso, an outpatient clinic in Horizon and aid with the capacity limitations UMC currently faces by adding critical care beds, new operating rooms, cardiac catheterization rooms for heart patients and improvements to imaging and laboratory services.
“We are excited to bring these initiatives to life and launch them with the help of our community. We are eager to provide our region with better access to cancer and burn care and continue maintaining the exceptional level of care we currently provide for all patients of all backgrounds,” added Cintron.
Contractors for the various projects will be selected through UMC’s standard procurement process, which can be found on the UMC website:
Together, we will continue to enhance our ability to deliver world-class healthcare for our region.