For media queries, more information, photos or interview requests, please contact:
Estefanía Morgan
Admin. Director of Public Affairs
UMC welcomes requests under the Texas Public Information Act.
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UMC Quarterly Pulse Newsletter

Voters approve UMC’s Bond To Expand Healthcare Access, Develop Cancer, Burn Centers

UMC Once Again Recognized For Achieving Meritorious Outcomes For Surgical Patient Care

West Texas Poison Center Hosts Take Back Day For Prescription Drugs
EL PASO, Texas – The West Texas Poison Center will be taking part in the National Prescription Drug Take Back Day to provide the community with the opportunity to properly dispose of unused prescription medications and prevent them from landing in the wrong hands.
Clearing out our medicine cabinets is a preventative measure to deter accidental poisonings in children or the misuse of prescription drugs.
Expired, unused or unwanted medications can be safely and anonymously disposed at the West Texas Poison Center, outside the UMC Associate Parking Garage, located behind University Medical Center of El Paso (4625 Alberta Ave.) on Saturday, Oct. 26 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Take Back Day is sponsored by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) twice a year (April and October) as a way to combat the drug overdose epidemic in the U.S.
For information about yearlong drug disposal locations, visit the “Collection Site Locator” tab on the DEA’s website:

UMC Neurosurgeons Perform Successful Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery, Adding New Service Line for Treatment of Movement Disorders

UMC’s “Better Health 5K Run, 1 Mile Walk” Returns To Promote Wellness

UMC Encourages Community To Schedule Mammograms

UMC's West Texas Poison Center Celebrates 30 Years Servicing Borderland

UMC Prepares El Paso For Flu Season

UMC’s General Bond Initiative For Expanded Healthcare Access Approved By El Paso County Commissioners, Headed To Voters in November
EL PASO, Texas – On Monday, El Paso County Commissioners unanimously approved the El Paso County Hospital District’s $396.6 million bond initiative to go on the November 2024 ballot.
If approved by voters, the bond will aid the capacity at University Medical Center of El Paso (UMC) currently faces.
UMC proposes that the $396.6 million would go toward building a burn center, adding critical care beds, new operating rooms, cardiac catheterization rooms for heart patients and improvements to imaging and laboratory services.
Additionally, proceeds from the bond are anticipated to be used to expand healthcare access for El Paso’s rapidly growing elderly population and for the construction of cancer care facilities to provide all necessary services for cancer patients under one roof. UMC is currently in discussions with Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso to collaborate in establishing the region’s first comprehensive cancer care center.

UMC Honors Victims of Aug. 3, 2019 On Five-Year Anniversary of Shooting
The hospital was lit in orange lights on Aug. 3, 2024. Orange is the definining color of gun violence prevention.
EL PASO, Texas – Five years ago, 23 people were killed and 22 others were injured after a mass shooting in El Paso on Aug. 3, 2019. University Medical Center of El Paso (UMC) joins the El Paso community in honoring the 23 lives who were lost as a result of the shooting at the Cielo Vista Walmart.
The memory of that day weighs heavy on our hearts as many of the victims from the shooting were sent to UMC’s Scherr Legate Trauma Center for treatment.
Our healthcare professionals jumped into action, many coming in willingly on their day off to help in any way they could.

UMC Rolls Out New Mobile App For Information About Programs, Services For Our Community
EL PASO, Texas – University Medical Center of El Paso (UMC) has added yet another resource for the community to easily obtain information about the hospital’s various service lines and programs with the launch of its new mobile app, UMC Cares.
The addition of this mobile app will allow El Pasoans to stay up-to-date with hospital events, such as sports physicals and vaccine drives, as well as the latest health updates and technology being used at UMC.
Download the UMC Cares app for news and information related to UMC today!

UMC Once Again Receives Highest Recognition From American Heart Association
EL PASO, Texas – University Medical Center of El Paso (UMC) has again received the Get With The Guidelines®-Stroke Gold Plus Achievement awards for Stroke Elite Plus Honor Roll, Type 2 Diabetes Honor Roll and Stroke Advanced Therapy Honor Roll, the highest recognition possible from the American Heart Association.

Demand For UMC Prescription Mail-Delivery Grows, Service Expands El Paso-Wide, At All UMC Pharmacies
EL PASO, Texas – University Medical Center of El Paso (UMC) is making it easier for patients to receive their prescriptions by expanding its mail-order delivery service, beginning Monday, July 8, at all UMC pharmacy locations.
Due to the tremendous demand for the service at the UMC West Pharmacy at 6600 N. Desert Blvd., where it was previously (and exclusively) offered, all UMC pharmacies will now offer prescription mail-order deliveries.

Another El Paso First: UMC Introduces Use of Da Vinci 5 Robot With Artificial Intelligence Features, 3D Imaging, For Soft Tissue Surgeries
EL PASO, Texas – University Medical Center of El Paso (UMC) is the only hospital in El Paso to implement the use of an advanced multiport robotic surgical system called Da Vinci 5, by Intuitive.
This new robotic system introduces “force feedback technology,” which allows surgeons to feel subtle forces exerted on tissue during surgery, creating less trauma on the tissue.
The Da Vinci 5 robot uses cutting-edge data analytics to provide surgeons with high-quality 3D imaging with the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI).

EL PASO, Texas – University Medical Center of El Paso (UMC), in partnership with PAM Health Rehabilitative Hospital, are enhancing rehabilitative services for the borderland with the introduction of two state-of-the-art robots. (Link to high-definition video demo here)
The Balo Dynamic Standing Frame and Tigo Motor-assisted Cycling Trainer by Thera Trainer can assist in the rehabilitation of patients who are recovering from a stroke, orthopedic surgery or an accident.

West Texas Poison Center Hosts Take Back Day For Prescription Drugs
EL PASO, Texas – The West Texas Poison Center will be taking part in the National Prescription Drug Take Back Day to provide the community with the opportunity to properly dispose of unused prescription medications and prevent them from landing in the wrong hands.
Clearing out our medicine cabinets is a preventative measure to deter accidental poisonings in children or the misuse of prescription drugs.

El Paso County Hospital District Nets Highest Award By Quality Texas Foundation
EL PASO, Texas – The El Paso County Hospital District (Hospital District) has been selected to receive the Quality Texas Foundation (QTF) Regional Program Award for Performance Excellence. Officials at the Quality Texas Foundation made the announcement at their headquarters on Friday, Feb. 16.
“Winning this award is a tremendous success, not only for our Hospital District but for El Paso,” said Jacob Cintron, President & CEO of the El Paso County Hospital District.

UMC Recognized For Achieving Meritorious Outcomes For Surgical Patient Care
EL PASO, Texas – University Medical Center of El Paso (UMC) has been deemed meritorious in outcomes of inpatient and outpatient surgical procedures by The American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS NSQIP®).
The ACS NSQIP recognition program commends a select group of hospitals for achieving a meritorious composite score in either an “All Cases” category or in a “High Risk” case category, both of which UMC received recognition for using data from 2022.

UMC Hosts Power Of Pink Event Ahead of Breast Cancer Awareness Month
EL PASO, Texas – University Medical Center of El Paso (UMC) is honored to be the host of this year’s Power of Pink, a celebration for El Paso breast cancer survivors sponsored by the Rio Grande Cancer Foundation.
Power of Pink is a community project made up of various area hospitals, non-profit organizations, and local foundations.
The program honors survivors and celebrates their beauty with a makeover event and photo shoot.

UMC Urges Community To Schedule Mammogram Appointments
EL PASO, Texas – University Medical Center of El Paso (UMC) encourages women throughout the borderland community to be proactive about their health and schedule a mammogram during October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month. To schedule an appointment, call 915-200-2662.
A mammogram is an important annual exam that uses an X-ray to detect cancer. All women 40 years and older, whose last mammogram was prior to Nov. 1, 2022, are eligible to utilize the Wellness Mammogram Initiative offered at UMC Main Campus, UMC West Clinic, and UMC Northeast Clinic.

UMC Prepares El Paso For Flu Season With Series Of Immunization Drives
EL PASO, Texas – University Medical Center of El Paso (UMC) is getting ahead of the upcoming flu season and gearing up to offer flu vaccinations in early September.
The CDC recommends receiving a flu vaccination in September or October to provide the greatest protection throughout the flu season.
Starting Sept. 1, UMC providers and clinics will be offering the flu vaccine. Most insurance will cover the cost of each vaccination, however for anyone wanting self-pay or uninsured, the cost is only $10.

UMC Conducts First of Its Kind Vascular Surgery In El Paso
EL PASO, Texas – It was another first at University Medical Center of El Paso this week as surgeons performed El Paso’s first Thoracic Branch Endoprosthesis surgery, a procedure to repair damage to the largest artery in the chest.
Dr. Gilbert Aidinian, Division Chief of Vascular and Endovascular surgery at UMC, and Dr. Alireza Daneshpajouh, Director of Vascular Clinic Services at UMC, conducted the new procedure using the FDA approved GORE TAG Thoracic Stent Graft.

For The First Time, Patients Can Now Get Prescriptions From the UMC West Clinic Through Mail
EL PASO, Texas – University Medical Center of El Paso (UMC) is making it easier for patients to receive their prescriptions through a new mail-order delivery service from our UMC West Clinic Pharmacy, located at 6600 N. Desert Blvd. This new service offers a convenient way for customers to get qualified medications sent straight to their door. Most prescriptions qualify for this service and can arrive within 1-2 business days after an order has been placed. A $3 delivery fee per package will be charged to a card on file to use this service.

UMC Encourages Community To Learn How To ‘Stop The Bleed’
EL PASO, Texas – As the region’s only Level 1 Trauma Center, University Medical Center of El Paso (UMC) is reminding the public of the importance of knowing how to control bleeding in case of an emergency. May is National Stop The Bleed Month, a national public awareness campaign to improve victim survival following mass shootings and other acts of mass violence. The Stop The Bleed program, which was founded by the American College of Surgeons (ACS), encourages people to become immediate responders until professional help arrives.

UMC And PAM Health Establish Joint Venture
EL PASO, Texas – University Medical Center of El Paso and PAM Health announced today they are collaborating to expand access for patients who need inpatient rehabilitation services. Through a joint venture, a UMC subsidiary and PAM Health will share ownership of an inpatient rehabilitation hospital located at 1600 East Cliff Drive in Central El Paso. This adds a new service line for UMC, which previously only offered outpatient rehabilitative services.
The facility offers the latest therapeutic equipment to help patients recover from illnesses and injuries such as stroke, amputation, and cardiopulmonary conditions.

EL PASO, Texas – Project Amistad will honor Jacob Cintron, President & CEO for the El Paso County Hospital District, with its 2023 Humanitarian Award. Mr. Cintron is being recognized for efforts to make UMC the foremost hospital to organize and supply vaccines for the community during the pandemic, along with greatly expanding access to healthcare throughout the Borderland. The recognition will occur at a special event tonight at the Starlight Event Center at 6 p.m.

UMC Implements Region’s First Of Its Kind AI Colonoscopy Screening Technology
EL PASO, Texas –University Medical Center of El Paso’s (UMC) Digestive Health Center has implemented the use of the region’s first artificial intelligence (AI) endoscopy module called the GI GeniusTM.
This computer-aided polyp detection system is powered by AI to find colorectal polyps during a colonoscopy screening. Having this technology available to our patients is a huge step in identifying suspicious lesions, which could be an indicator of colorectal cancer.

UMC Coordinates Utility Task Vehicle Safety Training For First Responders
EL PASO, Texas – Through the implementation of University Medical Center of El Paso’s (UMC) ATV P.R.O. (Proper Riding Objectives) Safety Education program, a safety training course for first responders to receive formalized training is set for April 13 on how to safely navigate their agency vehicles in the sandy desert terrain, ahead of the summer months.
First responder and emergency medical services (EMS) agencies, as well as county law enforcement are increasing the utilization of Utility Task Vehicles (UTV) for search and rescue. UMC will provide training that is designed to add another layer of safety for first responders throughout our Borderland desert.

Hospital District's 2022 Annual Report Released
EL PASO, Texas – The 2022 Annual Report for the El Paso County Hospital District (EPCHD) is now available.
The report showcases the milestones EPCHD achieved in the previous year, as well as commentary from medical professionals and stories of unique advancements and procedures performed.
EPCHD continues to remain an efficient, prudent fiscal steward of our community’s resources throughout the main campus, ambulatory clinics, and UMC’s affiliated and associated organizations along with El Paso Health Inc., El Paso Children’s Hospital, UMC Foundation, and El Paso Children’s Hospital Foundation.

EL PASO, Texas - University Medical Center (UMC) of El Paso is celebrating 108 years of providing quality healthcare for the Borderplex region. Today, Jan. 26, UMC celebrates a century’s worth of milestones and achievements made through the millions of healed patients, the hundreds of thousands of newborns, and the betterment of health for the community.
When it first opened its doors in 1915, it was known as El Paso County General Hospital. In 1959, the El Paso County Hospital District was created and approved by local voters, which paved the way for a new hospital building.

EL PASO, Texas – University Medical Center of El Paso notched another first in the El Paso region Thursday with the successful introduction and use of the Octaray, an advanced heart-mapping catheter to cure AFib.
AFib (atrial fibrillation) is when the heart beats too slowly, too fast, or in an irregular way. AFib is a major factor in certain cases of cardiac arrest, stroke and a general spiral of debilitating and life-threatening conditions.
(MEDIA NOTE: See link to HR video of procedure)

EL PASO, Texas – Today, University Medical Center of El Paso is proud to announce another advancement in healthcare as the region’s first portable MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) system goes into operation today. The system, known as the Swoop, is revolutionizing MRI scanning by bringing the MRI system to patients, at bedside.
“This is another advanced tool our providers have to have scans done for patients who are too sick or unable to be transported downstairs for imaging,” said Greg Erickson, Assistant Administrator Ancillary Services.

UMC Receives National Recognition For Meritorious Outcomes From The American College of Surgeons
EL PASO, Texas — The American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS NSQIP®) has recognized University Medical Center of El Paso as one of 78 ACS NSQIP participating hospitals that have achieved meritorious outcomes for surgical patient care in 2021. As a participant in ACS NSQIP, UMC is required to track the outcomes of inpatient and outpatient surgical procedures and collect data that assesses patient safety which is used to continue improving the quality of surgical care.

Hospital District Issues Statement Regarding Certificate of Obligation Process
El PASO, Texas – Today, the El Paso County Commissioners Court announced that the petition submitted regarding the Hospital District’s request for Certificates of Obligation obtained the required number of valid signatures. Having done so means the Commissioners Court is unable to vote on the request. Following today’s results, the El Paso County Hospital District team, its Board of Managers and in communication with the Commissioners Court and community, will evaluate its options and next steps in addressing its capacity constraints.

First In The Region: UMC Receives Membership Into The Society For Vascular Surgery VQI Registry
El PASO, Texas – The University Medical Center of El Paso Healthcare Partners Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Center has received notification of its membership into the Society for Vascular Surgery VQI (Vascular Quality Initiative) Registry; a first for the region. The center is led by Gilbert Aidinian, M.D., Division Chief of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery for UMC and Texas Tech Physicians of El Paso (TTP El Paso). Dr. Aidinian is also an associate professor at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso’s Foster School of Medicine.

El Paso County Hospital District Statement On Petition Submission
EL PASO, TEXAS – The El Paso County Hospital District very much appreciated going out to the community over the last several months to discuss this request and the great work done by the thousands of employees of the El Paso County Hospital District. This request is meant to address our critical capacity needs and ensure we can continue to provide the care our entire community deserves. We will continue to provide that care, regardless of the ultimate outcome. In the meantime, we will wait for the County to undergo their count and verification of those signatures before a final decision is made.
“We want to take this pause as an opportunity to thank all of the El Pasoans who attended our community presentations during our outreach efforts since the end of June. We have held 76 community meetings and, combined with our other outreach efforts, have reached hundreds of thousands of individuals. Along the way, El Pasoans shared their stories of illness, of support of our project, and of personal experience with the excellence in care at UMC and EPCH. We also thank the Commissioners Court for their consideration and direction regarding our request, and will await the County’s verification of the signatures submitted,” said Jacob Cintron, EPCHD President & CEO.

National Hospital Association Honors UMC For Regional And Binational COVID-19 Vaccine Efforts
EL PASO, Texas – America’s Essential Hospitals, a national trade association, has
recognized University Medical Center of El Paso (UMC) for its regional and binational
COVID-19 vaccination efforts during the pandemic.
America's Essential Hospitals, which represents more than 300 hospitals that care for low income and other marginalized people, recognized UMC with a 2022 Gage Award for COVID-19 Innovations. The association presented the award June 23 at a luncheon at VITAL2022, its annual conference, in Boston.

UMC Program Receives Grant To Continue ATV Training
EL PASO, Texas – University Medical Center of El Paso recently received a grant from Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. for $15,200 to support youth education, ATV safety. Grant funds are part of Yamaha’s Outdoor Access Initiative ( and they support our hospital’s trauma program injury prevention initiatives known as the University Medical Center’s P.R.O. (Proper Riding Objectives) youth ATV safety education program.

EL PASO, Texas University Medical Center (UMC) of El Paso is honored to recognize its 107th year of healthcare for El Paso County and the Borderplex region. Today, Jan. 26, UMC celebrates its history and the progress the hospital has made through the millions of healed patients, the hundreds of thousands of newborns, and the betterment of health for the community.
When it first opened its doors in 1915, it was known as El Paso County General Hospital. In 1959, the El Paso County Hospital District was created and approved by local voters, which paved the way for a new hospital building. The hospital was to be named R.E. Thomason General Hospital, in honor of Robert Ewing Thomason, a former mayor of El Paso and a United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas.

The Pulse
- UMC CEO: Update On CMS' COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate For Healthcare Workers Must Be In Compliance, Feb. 21
- Celebrating 107 Years Of Healthcare
- MyHealthEP Patient Portal Provides Patients With Records & Test Results
- COVID-19 Long Hauler And UMC Patient, Felipe Varela, Thankful For UMC

The Pulse
- UMC Surgical Center West Performs First Outpatient Spinal Fusions In The City of El Paso; Patients Find Relief
- Communication PBX Operators: Connecting UMC
- Shine On: Kudos To Our Most Recent Group Of UMC STARS
- Congratulations To The 3rd Quarter UMC DAISY Winners
- Happy Holidays 2021 Creates 12 Days of Jolly UMC Cheer

EL PASO, Texas – The American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS NSQIP®) recently recognized University Medical Center of El Paso as one of 90 ACS NSQIP participating hospitals that have achieved meritorious outcomes for surgical patient care in 2020. As a participant in ACS NSQIP, UMC is required to track the outcomes of inpatient and outpatient surgical procedures and collect data that assesses patient safety and can be used to direct improvement in the quality of surgical care.

The Pulse
This Week's Headlines:
- UMC CEO: New Federal Requirements Call For Full Vaccination
- Forums Teach UMC Associates How To "Be CAREageous!"
- UMC Associates Bring Excellence To Customer Service
- Best Of Luck To You, Blanca Villarreal
- Happy Thanksgiving To All UMC Associates
- Nurse Corps Loan Repayment

The Pulse
This Week's Headlines:
- Abigail Tarango Joins EPCHD To Lead Foundations
- Neurosurgeon Dr. Frederic Lax Retires After 40 Years
- Congratulations To New UMC CARES Ambassadors
- UMC Psychologist Holds Growth and Wellness Seminar
- Local Calls In El Paso Will Require 10 Digits
- It's Time For The Annual R&R Costume Contest - Virtually...

EL PASO, Texas – The El Paso County Hospital District (District) today announces that Dr. Abigail Tarango, former executive with the Ysleta Independent School District (YISD), is joining the District to lead the University Medical Center Foundation and the El Paso Children’s Hospital Foundation.
As the new Executive Director, Abigail now heads a multimillion-dollar foundation that funds programs and healthcare that greatly benefit the people of El Paso. UMC Foundation donors have the power to improve patient experience, impact physician recruitment and advance medical care.

The Pulse
This Week's Headlines:
- October Offers $50 Mammograms For Uninsured Women
- Unit Manager, Lucy Koneri, Keynote Speaker At Series
- Dr. Jorge Burgos Donates $27,500 To Give Back To Hospital
- Retirement Arrives For UMC Associates Emilia Marrero And Laura L. Quintana
- Attend An Associate Gym Orientation, Oct. 27
- UMC & TTUHSC Offer Conference On Blood Management
- Register Now For The 2nd Annual Cardiovascular Summit

The Pulse
This Week's Headlines:
- Vaccination Success: El Paso, UMC Get National Attention
- Keep Yourself And Others Safe: Limit Your Elevator to Four
- UMC Associates Can Access Time Sheets on UMC Website
- Give Blood And Be Part of Something Bigger Than Yourself
- Register Online For 2nd Annual Cardiovascular Summit

The Pulse
This Week's Headlines:
- Art Compean Retires With Nearly 50 Years Of Service
- Managing Stress, Anxiety Featured In PA's New Podcast
- UMC Associates To Receive COVID-19 Booster Shots
- 2nd Annual Sun City Cardiovascular Summit Set For November

The Pulse
This Week's Headlines:
- EPCHD's Fiscal 2022 Budget Approved by Commissioners
- UMC Again Recognized for Stroke Care Excellence
- Dr. Richard McCallum Ranked World Expert in His Field
- Former UMC Pharmacy Residents Update Current Status
- Denim Fridays and Scrubs FY22 Kicks Off September 8th

EL PASO, Texas -- University Medical Center of El Paso (UMC) announced today it has been recognized for the second consecutive year by the American Heart Assocation and American Stroke Association, receiving the highest recognition possible from the American Heart Association. The award "Get With The Guidelines: Gold Plus, Target Stroke Honor Roll Elite Plus, and Target Type 2 Diabetes" is given to certain comprehensive stroke centers able to achieve the highest level of quality metrics involving patient care and timing of treatments.

EPCHD’s Fiscal 2022 Budget Approved By Commissioners Court
Borderland residents on Monday received great news with the approval of the Fiscal 2022 Operating and Capital Budget for the El Paso County Hospital District (the District), ensuring the continued high level of healthcare provided by the district for another year. Additionally, the El Paso County Commissioners Court approved the District’s budget for Fiscal 2022, which included the reduction of our property tax rate from $0.267747 to $0.258145.

The Pulse
This Week's Headlines:
- Senator John Cornyn Praises High Level of Vaccinations
- Triple-Digit Temps Doused with Bahama Bucks Treat
- School Supply Kits Provided to UMC Associates for Kiddos
- Xochitl Gamboa Fires Up Engines in ATV Safety Initiative
- UMC Welcomes New Pharmacy Residents

The Pulse
This Week's Headlines:
- A Memorandum from R. Jacob Cintron on August 3, 2019
- Panda Express Gives 10-Year Goal of $1 Million for EPCH
- Aug. 7, Teens Learn to Ride their ATVs Like a PRO
- Noted: Amy Rohaley Provides Compassionate Care

The Pulse: July 19
This Week's Headlines:
- Re-Opening of Associate Gym Signals Things are Looking Up
- Vaccination Hub at El Paso County Coliseum Closes
- Associates Have Fun at UMC Night at the Chihuahuas

The Pulse: June 25
This Week's Headlines:
- Memorandum Sent On Behalf Of R. Jacob Cintron: Juneteenth Celebration Shall Be Recognized & Remembered
- Delivering Thanks That Lasts A Lifetime For New Mom & Son
- UMC Recognizes June’s Significance As Pride Month
- Check Out UMC’s Better Health In The Borderland Podcast

National Hospital Association Honors University Medical Center Of El Paso With Gage Award For COVID-19 Program
America’s Essential Hospitals, a national trade association, has recognized University Medical Center of El Paso (UMC) for its effort to allow family visitation, after restrictions began to lift, for those who were critically ill in our COVID-19 ICU.

El Paso Gets First Mobile Stroke Unit
University Medical Center of El Paso announced today the unveiling and introduction of the most advanced Mobile Stroke Unit (MSU) in the world, a specialized vehicle designed to provide rapid response to stroke victims throughout El Paso, during ceremonies at the El Paso County Coliseum.
UMC's unit is the first of its kind in the world - because it has the 16-slice OmniTom scanner. All other MSUs have an 8-slice CereTom or a Siemens scanner. The advanced system on the UMC unit allows physicians to see more images of the brain while producing them faster than previous systems.

The Pulse: May 17
This Week's Headlines:
- UMC Nurses Recognized By The Texas Nurses Foundation and Texas Nurses Association For ‘The Year Of The Nurse’
- El Paso County Hospital District Recognized For Quality Texas Foundation Achievement Award
- UMC Receives Scrub Donation From Scherr Legate Attorneys
- UMC Celebrated Hospital Week for 2021 – Hope And Healing

UMC, EPCH Urge Pre-Registration for Vaccination of Youths 12-15; Website Portal and Telephone Lines Open and Ready
University Medical Center of El Paso and El Paso Children’s Hospital are urging parents to pre-register their children, ages 12-15, in anticipation of open vaccination with the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Parents can go online 24/7 at or call from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday at (915) 975-8901 to secure their registration.
Parents can also bring their children to the El Paso County Coliseum from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Saturday, without an appointment, for walkup vaccination. Parents and children must have a valid form of identification when arriving for vaccination.

The Pulse: April 30
This Week's Headlines:
- UMC Celebrates the 41st Associate Honors Awards for 2020
- UMC 2020 Emerging Leadership Award and Impact Award
- UMC Recognizes High Honoree Associates
- Full List of Recognized UMC Associates

The Pulse: April 15
This Week's Headlines:
- UMC Board of Managers Members Joy Martinez and Miguel Fernandez Depart After Six Years Of Service And Dedication
- UMC Foundation Receives Generous Donation From Local El Paso Albertsons To Support Hospital Patients, Programs
- CARES Ambassadors Graduate From Spring Class
- UMC Digestive Health Center Performs First Advanced Procedure Reducing Patients Reoccurring Visits
- UMC Provides First-Ever Post-COVID Rehab Program
- Estela Casas To Depart UMC From Role At Foundations

The Pulse: April 1
This Week's Headlines:
- CARES Place Atrium Opens For All Associates – In Honor Of Their Dedication And Compassion To Hospital’s Patients
- University Medical Center Associates Win Third Place Overall At National Case Competition
- UMC Announces 2021 Second Quarter STARS Award Winners
- Bank Of America Recognized With Plaques For Donations, Generosity to UMC and EPCH During COVID-19 Pandemic

The Pulse: March 15
This Week's Headlines:
- Moment Of Triumph – After 133 Days Patient Wins COVID Battle
- CEO Sends Message To All Staff: Wearing A Mask Continues
- March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month – Q & A Health Check With UMC’s Gastroenterologist Dr. Carmela Morales

The Pulse: March 2
This Week's Headlines:
- City & UMC Partner On COVID-19 Vaccine Registration Process
- UMC Records Fewest Seasonal Flu Cases In Years: Mask Wear?
- When It Comes To Healthcare Social Media, El Pasoans Turn To UMC

City and County Partner Centralizing COVID-19 Vaccine Registration Process
The City and County of El Paso are preparing to centralize the registration process for the COVID-19 vaccine.
“Through the Communities of Excellence Program, we have continued to strengthen our partnership with University Medical Center. We have conducted Lean Six Sigma training together and have been able to reduce wait times at our testing and vaccine sites because of it,” said City Manager Tommy Gonzalez. “Today’s announcement is yet another example of our collaboration. By working together, we are demonstrating to state and federal officials that we are ramping up our coordination and communication efforts as a community to be able to put more shots in arms quicker and more efficiently.”
“Data collection and understanding of how our vaccination process is unfolding have become exceedingly important to guide the direction and location of our community’s vaccination programs,” said Jacob Cintron, UMC President & CEO.“

UMC To Open Online Registration At 6 P.M. Tuesday For First-Dose Vaccination Appointments (2nd Dose Moderna Vaccines Have Arrived)

The Pulse: February 16
This Week's Headlines:
- UMC Continues Vaccinating El Pasoans – A Timeline Review
- UMC Celebrates February As American Heart Month

Vaccine Delay Forces Rescheduling Of 5,000 Moderna 2nd Dose Recipients Previously Scheduled For Feb. 14 - 18
University Medical Center of El Paso announces today that, due to a delay in receiving its second dose of Moderna from the State of Texas, UMC will be making the following changes to next week's schedule:
- Only those individuals with an appointment for second dose Moderna between Feb. 14 and 18 will be rescheduled for an appointment at a later date. UMC is directly contacting those affected by this change. Once we have confirmation as to when the second dose of Moderna will arrive, we will be contacting each of those individuals to schedule their appointment.
- NOTE: CDC guidelines currently allow for a second dose to be administered within six weeks after the initial dose.

The Pulse: January 22
This Week's Headlines:
- UMC – A Hospital Leading The COVID-19 Vaccination In El Paso
- UMC Christmas Project Brings Joy To El Paso Families
- Remembering The Life OF Evangelina Fauntroy

Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2021, and sometime during this day, 106 years ago, the hospital known today by the borderland as University Medical Center of El Paso, was born. Through the last century, UMC has healed many millions (yes, millions) of El Pasoans, and continues to provide an ever evolving and improving high standard of care.

The Pulse: January 8
This Week's Headlines:
- UMC Celebrates 2021 With The Hospital’s Newest Baby – Lucas
- UMC Associates Receive Early Christmas Surprise Of Treats
- Tips for Improving Your Mental and Physical Wellness In 2021

The Pulse: December 22
This Week's Headlines:
- ‘Light At The End Of The Tunnel’ UMC COVID-19 Vaccinations On
- UMC Partner El Paso Health Donates 2,500 Masks
- UMC Announces 2020 4th Quarter STARS Award Winners
- We Will Defeat COVID-19 Household By Household, Family By Family’ – By El Paso County Judge Ricardo Samaniego

After numerous reports emerged on social media claiming one of the five nurses receiving a vaccination on Tuesday did not receive a full dose of vaccine, we want to remove any doubt raised that he was not fully vaccinated and further strengthen confidence in the vaccination process. The nurse in question today was vaccinated again (see attached picture taken today).

UMC, EPCH And TTP Of El Paso Healthcare Teams Near Arrival Of COVID-19 Vaccines
University Medical Center of El Paso anticipates the arrival of COVID-19 vaccines Tuesday morning (tentatively 8:30 a.m.), bringing nurses, physicians and many others who are exposed daily to COVID-19 long-sought protection to continue caring for El Paso.
Of the more than 2,900 doses expected to arrive, UMC has asked its partners at El Paso Children’s Hospital, Texas Tech Physicians of El Paso, the Medical Examiner’s Office, affiliated community physicians, and emergency medical technicians, to provide names of frontline healthcare staff to be vaccinated at UMC. These healthcare workers will be vaccinated throughout the next week at UMC.

UMC Prepares For Vaccines After FDA Approval; Set To Share With Partner Organizations’ Providers
University Medical Center of El Paso is making preparations for the vaccination of its frontline healthcare staff to take place after the anticipated receipt of more than 2,900 doses of a vaccine targeting the COVID-19 virus. Of the more than 2,900 doses expected to arrive, UMC has asked its partners at El Paso Children’s Hospital, Texas Tech Physicians of El Paso, the Medical Examiner’s Office, affiliated community physicians, and emergency medical technicians, to provide names of frontline healthcare staff to be vaccinated at UMC.

The Pulse: December 9
This Week's Headlines:
- UMC Receives Certificate Of Recognition From TexasAIM
- What You Need To Know About COVID-19 Vaccines
- UMC Foundation Receives $152,000 For Respiratory Equipment

El Paso County Hospital District Catastrophe Notice - Extension
Extension of prior Catastrophe Notice

HHS Finds No Merit In Conditions Stated In Social Media Report; Finds Issues 'Unsubstantiated'
After a travel nurse, visiting UMC for 2.5 weeks, recently shared her perspective on social media, Texas Health and Human Services arrived at UMC unannounced, to investigate if the reports were accurate. In all areas of concern, the survey/inspection found all items unsubstantiated.

The Pulse: November 24
This Week's Headlines:
- UMC President & CEO Jacob Cintron Sends Special Thanksgiving Message To All District Associates
- UMC Garners Recognition For Excellence In Surgical Care, Quality
- Veterans Of UMC Are Recognized On Veterans Day

UMC Garners National Recognition For Excellence In Surgical Care, Quality
University Medical Center of El Paso has garnered the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program’s recognition as a meritoriously performing hospital, one of only 88 in the nation to receive this recognition. The American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS NSQIP) announced recently (October 2020) that UMC is a meritoriously performing ACS NSQIP hospital. UMC is the largest public hospital on the US / Mexico border and is the only such hospital along the border to receive this recognition.

El Paso County Hospital District Catastrophe Notice
In the last 30 days the County of El Paso has been under a COVID-19 Siege. On 10-27-20 the positivity rate 7 day rolling average was at 17.25% and as of November 7,2020 it is 25.11%. This is a nearly 554% increase in positivity rate since September. All of our employees have been working under tremendous circumstances- please see world news reports.

The Pulse: November 9
This Week's Headlines:
- UMC Prepares El Paso With Drive-Through Flu Vaccinations
- EndoFLIP Technology For UMC's GI Department
- UMC CARES Ambassadors Graduate From Inagural Class
- UMC Recognized As AHA Member For 50 Years

UMC Extends Flu Vaccinations Due To High Demand, Thursday, Friday At El Paso County Coliseum
University Medical Center of El Paso has EXTENDED its special "drivethrough" flu vaccination event, due to overwhelming demand for vaccinations. El Pasoans can be vaccinated from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 8 and 9 at the El Paso County Coliseum for children and adults (ages 4 and up). El Pasoans can remain in their cars and safely vaccinated for this year’s flu season. Most insurance will cover the cost of each vaccination, however for anyone wanting self-pay or uninsured, the cost is only $10.

The Pulse: October 2
This Week's Headlines:
- UMC Acquires Border Pediatrics To Strengthen Pediatric Care Throughout Borderland Region
- UMC & Yamaha Team Up For Successful ATV Safety Course
- UMC Announces 2020 4th Quarter STARS Award Winners
- UMC Prepares El Paso With Drive-Through Flu Vaccinations
- Wildflower: The Miracle Story Of UMC Patient Jaclyn Pellicotte

UMC Urges Women To Get A Mammogram During October
October and breast cancer awareness are here again and University Medical Center of El Paso urges women to take a few minutes to schedule a wellness mammogram today by calling (915) 200-2662. Don't delay this simple and important annual exam. Mammograms are covered under most insurance plans. During October, for uninsured or self-pay patients, 3D screenings and readings are only $50.

UMC Is Preparing El Paso For Flu Season With Special Mass Drive-Through Flu Vaccinations
University Medical Center of El Paso is conducting a special "drive through" flu vaccination event for all, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 6 and 7 at the El Paso County Coliseum for children and adults (ages 4 and up). El Pasoans can remain in their cars and safely vaccinated for this year’s flu season. Most insurance will cover the cost of each vaccination, however for anyone wanting self-pay or uninsured, the cost is only $10.

UMC Acquires Border Pediatrics To Strengthen Pediatric Care Throughout El Paso
University Medical Center of El Paso has acquired both locations of Border Pediatrics, a longtime provider of high quality pediatric care in El Paso. Border Pediatrics will continue its care and remain located at 4500 N. Mesa in west El Paso, and 10211 Alameda in El Paso’s lower valley. This new UMC presence provides El Pasoans more options for enhanced pediatric care. Dr. Ruben R. Roncallo and his medical staff are now UMC Associates and will continue to see patients at both locations, now known as UMC Border Pediatrics.

UMC and Yamaha Team Up for Youth ATV Safety Course
University Medical Center of El Paso in conjunction with Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative and ATV Safety Institute, invites all youth riders (ages 12 - 15) to take the ATV RiderCourse, Saturday, Sept. 26, at San Felipe Park near Cattleman’s Steakhouse. FREE Helmet and Goggles to all participants!

The Pulse: August 26
This Week's Headlines:
- UMC, Bravo, UMC Foundation Bring New Monitor To UMC, For UMC Associates, News, Updates
- Texas Gov. Appoints Dr. Alan Tyroch to Trauma Advisory Council
- Steve DeGroat, Selected as UTEP Distinguished Alumni for 2020
- UMC Patients Share Gratitude of Care They Received

UMC, Bravo Chevrolet Cadillac, UMC Foundation Announce Unveiling of Gift to Frontline Healthcare Workers
University Medical Center of El Paso, Bravo Chevrolet Cadillac and UMC Foundation jointly announce the unveiling of a large-screen video system, made possible through a $10,000 donation by Bravo Chevrolet Cadillac President, Raymond Palacios.

The Pulse: August 3
This Week's Headlines:
- UMC Reflects on a Year Since Aug. 3rd
- UMC, EPCH Open 'CARES Place'
- UMC Receives Stroke Quality Achievement Award
- Emergency Department Commits to 'Mission To Zero'

The Pulse: July 22
This Week's Headlines:
- UMC' Neurosurgery Team Ushers in Brain Tumor Board
- 2nd Quarter Daisy Award Winners
- CARES From the Heart to Emphasize Values, Performance
- ICU Staff Receives 'Thank You' From Friends of Patient
- 2019 Leadership Award Winners

The Pulse: July 1
This Week's Headlines:
- UMC Hires New Chief Nursing Officer
- UMC Becomes Only Hospital in El Paso to Adopt Whole Blood
- 40th Annual Associate Service Awards

UMC Hires New Chief Nursing Officer
University Medical Center of El Paso has a new “top nurse” today as it announces the hiring of Amyra (Amy) Daher asits new Chief Nursing Officer. Amy most recently was the Assistant Chief Nursing Officer to UMC’s Interim Chief Nursing Officer Roxanne Weisendanger, who will become the new Chief Nursing Officer at El Paso Children’s Hospital.

The Pulse: June 16
This Week's Headlines:
- UMC Opens Antibody Testing to All Associates
- UMC's OR Team Participates in National Time-Out Day
- 'Pit Crew' Works Fast, Efficient to Ready 3rd Floor
- UMC West Clinic's Rehab Team Helps Violence Victims

Actor Matthew McConaughey, Wife Camila, Lead Donation of 25,000 Simple Surgical Masks For UMC; Another 20,000 For El Paso County Medical Society
University Medical Center of El Paso is the recipient of 25,000 surgical masks, through Actor Matthew McConaughey and his wife, model Camila McConaughey, on behalf of Lincoln. The McConaugheys are on a road trip delivering more than 125,000 face masks to select hospitals across Texas. UMC’s masks arrived Monday, via United Parcel Service.

The Pulse: June 1
This Week's Headlines:
- Actor Matthew McConaughey, Wife Camila, Headline Donation of 25,000 Surgical Masks for UMC
- UMC Opens ‘Clean Cube’ for COVID-19 Screening; 1st in U.S.
- STARS Winners Still Shine Amongst Pandemic Limitations
- Weekly Wellness – Tips for Improving Your Mental and Physical Wellness

The Pulse: May 20
This Week's Headlines:
- UMC Gets Second ‘A’ In Spring 2020 Hospital Safety Ratings
- UMC Opens New Outpatient Surgical Center, Ready For Care
- Nurses and Hospital Weeks 2020 Recognize Hard Work, Dedication
- UMC, EPCH And TTP El Paso Urge Recovered El Pasoans To Donate Convalescent Plasma To Fight COVID-19
- Access To Healthcare, Provider Connection Now A Phone Call Away

UMC, EPCH and TTP El Paso Urge Recovered El Pasoans To Donate Convalescent Plasma To Fight COVID-19
University Medical Center of El Paso (UMC) El Paso Children’s Hospital (EPCH) and Texas Tech Physicians of El Paso (TTP El Paso) urge any individuals who have fully recovered from novel coronavirus (COVID 19) to donate convalescent plasma as a key weapon in the fight against the virus.

UMC Gets Second 'A' In Spring 2020 Hospital Safety Ratings
University Medical Center of El Paso (UMC) is now among the safest hospitals in the nation, according to the Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade system. UMC had previously been awarded an “A” in Spring 2019, becoming the only public hospital in Texas to achieve an “A” rating.

No-Visitor Policy
This Week's Headlines:
- In an effort to protect patients, physicians, staff and our community as novel corona virus (COVID-19) continues to spread within our community, University Medical Center of El Paso, El Paso Children's Hospital, The Hospitals of Providence, and Las Palmas Del Sol Healthcare have implemented a no-visitor policy in all hospitals, beginning immediately.

The Pulse: February 7
This Week's Headlines:
- County, UMC Welcome New Northeast Emergency Department
- UMC's HealthStart 2020 a Success, Breaks Record for Runners
- Coffee with the CEO Q&A
- January's Lunch and Learn
- Preceptors Recognition

The Pulse: January 17
This Week's Headlines:
- 4th Quarter DAISY Award Winners
- Dr. Alan Tyroch Speaks to Select Committee about Mass Violence Prevention
- 2019 Leadership Program Graduates
- Health Start 2020

Health Start 2020 - Feb. 1
The third annual health event to officially kick off a year of fitness and Better Health in the Borderland, takes place 8 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 1, at UMC West, located at 6600 N. Desert Boulevard in west El Paso.

The Pulse: December 23
This Week's Headlines:
- Holiday Card from Jacob Cintron, President & CEO
- Ugly Sweater Contests Winners

The Pulse: November 26
This Week's Headlines:
- 4th Quarter STARS Award Winners
- Stars of Hope Delivered to UMC's First Responders
- Estela Casas to Lead UMC and EPCH's Foundation
- 2019 Innovation Award by El Paso Chamber of Commerce

The Pulse: October 21
This Week's Headlines:
- UMC's Fitness Center Makes a "Strong" Comeback
- V.I.Pink UMC Foundation Event
- Coffee with CEO Q & A
- Recognition of Departments
- Customer Service Celebration

Estela Casas Joins EPCHD To Lead UMC and EPCH Foundations
Estela Casas, beloved news anchor for the border city of El Paso, joins University Medical Center and El Paso Children's hospital to come the Executive Director of the UMC and EPCH Foundation.

Annual MammoGlam Event Set for Saturday Oct. 19 at UMC West
Women throughout El Paso are invited to the 2019 MammoGlam Event, Saturday, Oct. 19, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., to get an advanced 3-D diagnostic mammogram. Self-pay or uninsured mammogram screenings will cost no more than $50. The event takes place at UMC West Clinic, located at 6600 N. Desert Blvd.

The Pulse: September 30
This Week's Headlines:
- Power of Pink Kickoff
- International Interpreters and Translators Day
- Messages of Support from Hopsital Nationwide
- UMC Director selected as "Friend of UTEP"

El Paso's Annual Power of Pink Kickoff Event Set For Sept. 27 at UMC
University Medical Center of El Paso will host El Paso’s official welcome of Breast Cancer Awareness Month with Power of Pink, an annual event to raise awareness of breast cancer and the importance of getting a mammogram.

The Pulse: September 10
This Week's Headlines:
- Summer 2019 Associate Picnic
- Third Quarter STAR Award Winners
- Third Quarter DAISY Award Winners

University Medical Center of El Paso and El Paso Children’s Hospital provided an update on the patients treated at each hospital as a result of the mass casualty shooting at an El Paso Walmart on Aug. 3.

Shooting Victims Arrive at UMC, EPCH
UMC has received 13 patients related to today’s mass casualty shooting in El Paso. Patients are currently being treated by surgeons and specialists at UMC, joined by physicians and staff from Texas Tech Physicians of El Paso and El Paso Children’s Hospital.

The Pulse: July 22
This Week's Headlines:
- Top Golf: Associate Golf Event
- Dr. Mendoza-Ladd Selected For Forward Program, Recognized By El Paso Mayor

The Pulse: July 1
This Week's Headlines:
- UMC Recognized for Quality Stroke Care
- Communities of Excellence Recognition

UMC Recognized For Commitment To Quality Stroke Care By AHA/ASA
University Medical Center of El Paso (UMC) has received the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Get With The Guidelines® Target: Stroke Honor Roll Elite Plus Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award.

City of El Paso, UMC and EPISD earn Communities of Excellence Recognition
The City of El Paso, El Paso Independent School District (EPISD) and University Medical Center (UMC) of El Paso were presented with the inaugural Communities of Excellence Pioneer Level Recognition on Monday, June 24, at the 26th Annual Quality Texas Foundation Conference.

The Pulse: June 11
This Week's Headlines:
- Quarterly DAISY and STARS Award Winners
- Dennece Knight Retires from UMC Foundation

The Pulse: May 30
- UMC Earns Level 4 Maternal Designation
- UTEP Honors UMC With Golden Impact Award

UMC Acquires Highest Maternal Care Designation
University Medical Center of El Paso is the recipient a Level IV designation for its maternal care, the highest possible rating from the Texas Department of State Health Services. UMC is now one of only three hospitals in Texas with the same level of certification. No other hospital in El Paso is as highly rated.

UMC Gets An ‘A’ In Latest Hospital Safety Ratings
University Medical Center of El Paso (UMC) is now among the safest hospitals in the nation, according to the Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade system. This marks the first time that UMC achieved an “A” grade through the system.

The Pulse: April 30
- UMC Unveils New Mission, Vision Statements For El Paso
- CARES Leaders Meet To Focus On Improvement And Mission
- Associates Recognized: Michael Kennedy and Uziel Meza

The Pulse: April 15
- UMC Joins Statewide Program To Reduce Maternal Deaths
- Two UMC Women Show Their Resolve In Annual Mighty Mujer
- Welcome Sugey & LeTreshia To UMC's Fiscal & Resp. Care

Ray Davis Joins UMC As Organization's New CIO
Ray Davis, one of El Paso’s most experienced health information leaders, joins University Medical Center of El Paso today as its new Chief Information Officer, overseeing all IT and electronic information services and programs.

The Pulse: March 18
- For Some, It's Déjà vu; For East El Paso, It's A Celebration
- Ray Davis Joins UMC As Chief Information Officer
- Center for Diagnostic and Advanced Endoscopy Nurses Again Recognized

The Pulse: March 4
- New Era Of Care Underway In Northeast Community
- Three Times A DAISY Celebration Takes Place With Nurses Feb. 28
- Save the Date: Ground Breaking March 15

The Pulse: Feb 18
- UMC's Endoscopy Center Scores Another El Paso First
- Coffee With CEO Brings More Opportunities To Focus On Service
- Northeast Emergency Department Groundbreaking Set for March 1

UMC's Endoscopy Center Scores Another El Paso First
In yet another milestone for University Medical Center of El Paso, an extraordinarily advanced, successful procedure has been accomplished on a patient suffering complications from stomach cancer. The procedure has only been accompolished twice in Texas: Houson and earlier this week at El Paso's UMC.

The Pulse: Feb. 4
- Health Start 2019 A Huge Success For Fitness, UMC
- Former El Paso County Judge Ruben Vogt Joins UMC

The Pulse: Jan. 22
- El Paso Health's Frank Dominguez To Head Statewide Association
- Raising Future RNs
- More Than 75 Years of UMC Experience Retire With Two Associates

The Pulse: Jan. 8
- UMC Associate Garners National Interpreter Certification
- UTEP, UMC Partner To Support Students With Pharmacy Services
- UMC, El Paso Healthcare Community Step Up For Migrant Screening